
LibreOffice macros I use often
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Bharatgas.xba (13110B)

      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2 <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
      3 <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Bharatgas" script:language="StarBasic">REM  *****  BASIC  *****
      4 &apos;Option VBASupport 1
      5 Option Explicit
      7 Global Const exportFolder = &quot;C:\Users\bhara\tSync\Pending-01-07-2024&quot;
      8 Global Const rowsToSkip = 1
      9 Global Const insertNewRowFor = False
     10 Global Const printOnlySummary = False
     11 Global Const roughHeaderMatch = True
     12 Global Const highlightBasedOn = &quot;Payment Option&quot;
     13 Global Const highlightSearchString = &quot;Online Payment&quot;
     14 Global Const highlightRemoveColumn = True
     15 &apos; TODO change suffix based on the report type
     16 Global Const sheetNameSuffix = &quot;- PENDING&quot;
     17 Global Const shouldExportPDF = True
     18 Global Const isPendingReport = True
     20 Function UsedRangeCursor(Optional ByRef oSheet as Object) as Object
     21 	&apos;FIXME Check if the split has already happen
     22 	Dim cursor as Object
     23 	if IsNull(oSheet) Or IsMissing(oSheet) Then
     24 			oSheet = ThisComponent.getCurrentController().getActiveSheet()
     25 	End If
     26 	cursor = oSheet.createCursor()
     27 	cursor.gotoStartOfUsedArea(False)
     28 	cursor.gotoEndOfUsedArea(True)
     29 	UsedRangeCursor = cursor
     30 End Function
     32 Function UserFriendlyName(str as String) as String
     33 	Dim l as Long
     34 	Dim c as String
     35 	Dim i as Long
     36 	Dim prevChar as String
     37 	str = Trim(str)
     38 	&apos; Check if Len(str) is really called multiple times
     39 	l = Len(str)
     40 	For i = 0 To l
     41 		c = Mid(str, i + 1, 1)
     42 		If i &gt; 1 And (c &gt; &quot;A&quot; And c &lt; &quot;Z&quot;) Then
     43 				&apos; Only prepend space if &apos;c&apos; is not the first character...
     44 				&apos; or previous char doesn&apos;t have space
     45 				UserFriendlyName = UserFriendlyName &amp;  IIf(prevChar = &quot; &quot;, &quot;&quot;, &quot; &quot;)  &amp; c
     46 		Else
     47 			UserFriendlyName = UserFriendlyName &amp; c
     48 		End If
     49 		prevChar = c
     50 	Next
     51 End Function
     53 Sub TestFn()
     54 	MsgBox UserFriendlyName(&quot;Area Name&quot;)
     55 		MsgBox UserFriendlyName(&quot;AreaName&quot;)
     56 				MsgBox UserFriendlyName(&quot;   AreaName&quot;)
     57 End Sub
     59 Sub SortAreaName(Optional oSheet As Variant, Optional cursor as Variant)
     60 	Dim oRange as Object
     61 	Dim oSortFields(1) as new com.sun.star.util.SortField
     62 	Dim oSortDesc(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
     63 	Dim endRow as Integer
     64 	Dim endColumn as Integer
     66 	If IsMissing(oSheet) Then
     67 		oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets(0)
     68 		cursor = UsedRangeCursor(oSheet)
     69 	End If
     71 	endRow = cursor.RangeAddress.EndRow
     72 	endColumn = cursor.RangeAddress.EndColumn
     74 	oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 1, endColumn, endRow)
     75 	ThisComponent.getCurrentController.select(oRange)
     77 	&apos; Area
     78 	oSortFields(0).Field = 0
     79 	oSortFields(0).SortAscending = True
     81 	&apos; FIXME This is not working
     82 	&apos; Date
     83 	oSortFields(1).Field = 4
     84 	oSortFields(1).SortAscending = True
     86 	oSortDesc(0).Name = &quot;SortFields&quot;
     87     oSortDesc(0).Value = oSortFields
     89 	oRange.Sort(oSortDesc)
     90 End Sub
     92 Sub NewSheet(sheetName as String)
     93 			Dim sheets as Object
     94 			sheets = ThisComponent.Sheets()
     95 			If Not sheets.hasByName(sheetName) Then
     96 				sheets.insertNewByName(sheetName, sheets.getCount())
     97 			End If
     99 End Sub
    101 Sub CleanColumnHeaders(oSheet as Object, endColumn as Integer)
    102 	Dim cell as Object
    103 	Dim neatName as String
    104 	Dim i as Integer
    105 	For i = 0 To endColumn
    106 		cell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(i, 0)
    107 		neatName = cell.getString()
    108 		neatName = UserFriendlyName(neatName)
    109 		cell.setString(neatName)
    110 	Next
    111 End Sub
    113 Sub RemoveExtraMergeCells(oSheet as Object, oRangeAddress as Variant)
    114 	Dim oRange as Object
    115 	Dim oSortFields(0) as new com.sun.star.util.SortField
    116 	Dim oSortDesc(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    117 	Dim endRow as Integer
    119 	endRow = oRangeAddress.EndRow
    120 	lastColumn = oRangeAddress.EndColumn
    122 	rem set the range on which to sort&apos;
    124 	&apos;oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(&quot;A2:F20&quot;)
    125 	oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, lastColumn, 0)
    126 	ThisComponent.getCurrentController.select(oRange)
    127 	initialColumnCount = oRange.Columns.getCount() - 1
    128 	deletedColumns = 0
    129 	For j = 0 To (initialColumnCount - deletedColumns)
    130 		oCell = oRange.getCellByPosition(j, 0)
    131 		con = oCell.String
    132 		If con = &quot;&quot; Then
    133 			oRange.Columns.removeByIndex(j, 1)
    134 			deletedColumns = deletedColumns - 1
    135 		Else
    136 			Print con
    137 		End If
    138 	Next
    139 End Sub
    142 Sub UnFreezeSelection
    143 	Dim document   as Object
    144 	Dim dispatcher as Object
    145 	document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
    146 	dispatcher = createUnoService(&quot;com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper&quot;)
    147 	dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, &quot;.uno:FreezePanes&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 0, Array())
    148 End Sub
    150 Function GetHeaderPosition(ByRef oSheet as Object, searchString as String, endColumn as Long) as Integer
    151 	Dim iColumn as Integer
    152 	Dim oCell as Object
    153 	Dim cellString as String
    154 	GetHeaderPosition = -1
    155 	If roughHeaderMatch Then
    156 		searchString = UserFriendlyName(searchString)
    157 	End If
    158 	For iColumn = 0 To endColumn - 1
    159         oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(iColumn, 0)
    160         cellString = oCell.String
    161         If roughHeaderMatch Then
    162 			cellString = UserFriendlyName(cellString)
    163 		End If
    164         If  cellString = searchString Then
    165             GetHeaderPosition = iColumn
    166             Exit For
    167         End If
    168     Next iColumn
    169 End Function
    171 Sub HighlightOnline(ByRef oSheet as Object, endColumn as Long, endRow as Long)
    172 	&apos; Fix false positives when having ONLINE and the content has &quot;Online Payment&quot;
    173 	Dim currentStr as String
    174 	Dim oCell as Object
    175 	Dim oCellRange as Object
    176 	Dim str as String
    177 	Dim iSearchColumn as Long
    178 	Dim i as Integer
    180 	&apos; Search for column position that has highlightBasedOn
    181 	iSearchColumn = GetHeaderPosition(oSheet, highlightBasedOn, endRow)
    182 	If iSearchColumn = -1 Then Exit Sub
    183 	For i = 0 To  endRow - 1
    184 		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(iSearchColumn, i)
    185 		If InStr(oCell.getString(), highlightSearchString) &gt; 0 Then
    186 			oCellRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, i, endColumn, i)
    187 			oCellRange.CellBackColor = RGB(255, 255, 0) &apos; Yellow
    188 		End If
    189 	Next i
    191 	If highlightRemoveColumn Then
    192 		oSheet.Columns.removeByIndex(iSearchColumn, 1)
    193 	End If
    194 End Sub
    197 Sub MainNew
    198 	Dim oRange as Object
    199 	Dim oSheet as Object
    200 	Dim oCellStyle as Object
    201 	Dim pageStyle as Object
    202 	Dim oStyle as Object
    203 	oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
    204 	&apos;oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(1, 1, 4, 1)
    205 	&apos;oCellStyle = ThisComponent.StyleFamilies.getByName(&quot;CellStyles&quot;).getByName(&quot;InterHeader&quot;)
    206 	&apos;oRange.CellStyle = &quot;InterHeader&quot;
    207 	pageStyle = ThisComponent.StyleFamilies.getByName(&quot;PageStyles&quot;)
    208 	oStyle = pageStyle.getByName(&quot;Default&quot;)
    209 	oStyle.CenterVertically = True
    210 	pageStyle.insertByName(&quot;NewStyle&quot;)
    212 	if NOT IsNull(pageStyle) then
    213 		Print pageStyle.dbg_methods
    214 	end if
    216 End Sub
    218 Sub Main
    219 	Dim s as Object
    220 	Dim cursor as Object
    221 	Dim c as Integer
    222 	Dim destSheet as Variant
    223 	Dim sheetName as String
    224 	Dim iArea as Long
    225 	Dim d as String
    226 	Dim a as String
    227 	Dim startRow as Long
    228 	Dim areaNames as New Collection
    229 	Dim dColumns as Object
    230 	Dim endRow as Long
    231 	Dim endColumn as Long
    232 	Dim areaColumn as Object
    233 	Dim areaRange, idRange, bookRange
    234 	Dim headerRange as Object
    235 	Dim cellRangeToCopy as Object
    236 	Dim pageStyle as Object
    238 	s = ThisComponent.Sheets(0)
    239 	cursor = UsedRangeCursor(s)
    241 	&apos; Skip Header
    242 	startRow =  rowsToSkip
    243 	endRow = cursor.RangeAddress.EndRow
    244 	endColumn = cursor.RangeAddress.EndColumn
    246 	&apos; TODO pass the column name/index as an argument
    247 	&apos; Transformations to be applied to the Main sheet before splitting the sheet by Area Name
    248 	&apos;Call UnFreezeSelection
    249 	cursor = UsedRangeCursor(s)
    250 	If isPendingReport Then
    251 		Call HighlightOnline(s, endColumn, endRow)
    252 	End If
    253 	Call SortAreaName(s, cursor)
    254 	Call CleanColumnHeaders(s, endColumn)
    256 	&apos; Justify Leftmost cells to left and Rightmost cells to right
    257 	&apos; TODO Maybe use more descriptive code? Like (&quot;AreaName&quot;)?
    258 	idRange =  s.getCellRangeByPosition(1,startRow, 1, endRow)
    259     idRange.setPropertyValue(&quot;HoriJustify&quot;, com.sun.star.table.CellHoriJustify.LEFT)
    261     bookRange = s.getCellRangeByPosition(endColumn, startRow, endColumn, endRow)
    262     bookRange.setPropertyValue(&quot;HoriJustify&quot;, com.sun.star.table.CellHoriJustify.RIGHT)
    264 	areaColumn = s.getCellRangeByPosition(0,startRow, 0, endRow)
    265 	headerRange = s.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, endColumn, 0)
    267 	headerRange.CellStyle = &quot;Heading 1&quot;
    269 	&apos;On Error Goto ErrorHandler
    270 	For iArea = rowsToSkip To endRow - 1
    271 		d = areaColumn.getCellByPosition(0, iArea).String
    272 		If  d = &quot;&quot; Then
    273 			Exit For
    274 		End If
    276 		If a &lt;&gt; d Or  iArea = (endRow - 1) Then
    277 			&apos; FIXME Get the columns automatically from the sheet
    278 			&apos; FIXME Covert the end column from endColumn above
    280 			If insertNewRowFor Then
    281 				&apos; FIXME This is a stub, not correct
    282 				s.Rows.insertByIndex(startRow, 1)
    283 				startRow = startRow + 1
    284 				endRow = endRow + 1
    285 			End If
    287 			areaRange = s.getCellRangeByPosition(0, startRow, endColumn, iArea)
    288 			If printOnlySummary Then
    289 				&apos; TODO maybe there is an elegant way than
    290 				&apos; writing this two times
    291 				If shouldExportPDF Then
    292 					ExportPDF(destSheet)
    293 				End If
    294 				GoTo Continue
    295 			End If
    297 			&apos; TODO subtotals might solve this
    298 			&apos;s.group(areaRange.RangeAddress, 1)
    300 			sheetName = a &amp; sheetNameSuffix
    302 			&apos; Copy the Headers from the Main Document
    303 			&apos; FIXME This DOES NOT work when using with filtered data
    304 			&apos; TODO Get the number of columns to copy dynamically from the Sheet.
    305 			cellRangeToCopy = areaRange.RangeAddress
    307 			If (cellRangeToCopy.EndRow - cellRangeToCopy.StartRow) = 0 Then
    308 				Goto Continue
    309 			End If
    311 			&apos; Prepare Destination sheet
    312 			NewSheet(sheetName)
    314 			destSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets().getByName(sheetName)
    316 			pageStyle = ThisComponent.StyleFamilies.getByName(&quot;PageStyles&quot;).getByName(&quot;Default&quot;)
    317 			pageStyle.setPropertyValue(&quot;PrintGrid&quot;, True)
    318 			pageStyle.setPropertyValue(&quot;CenterHorizontally&quot;, True)
    319 			&apos; Make the margins 0.2&quot; thick	
    320 			pageStyle.setPropertyValue(&quot;LeftMargin&quot;, 0.2 * 2540)
    321 			pageStyle.setPropertyValue(&quot;RightMargin&quot;, 0.2 * 2540)
    323 			&apos; Customize the Destination Sheet&apos;s Columns
    324 			&apos; TODO Make snuggly calculation. There should be a minimum width and AutoFit
    325 			With destSheet.getColumns()
    326 				If isPendingReport Then
    327 					.getByName(&quot;B&quot;).Width = 2500
    328 					.getByName(&quot;C&quot;).Width = 8000
    329 					.getByName(&quot;D&quot;).Width = 2500
    330 				Else
    331 					.getByName(&quot;B&quot;).Width = 1700
    332 					.getByName(&quot;C&quot;).Width = 5000
    333 					.getByName(&quot;D&quot;).Width = 11000
    334 					.getByName(&quot;E&quot;).Width = 2200
    335 				End If
    336 			End With
    339 			&apos; Copy Header
    340 			&apos; TODO Check if it&apos;s possible to use UsedRange instead of endColumn
    341 			s.copyRange(destSheet.getCellRangeByName(&quot;A1&quot;).CellAddress, _
    342 				headerRange.RangeAddress)
    344 			&apos; Copy all the contents uptil 
    345 			s.copyRange(destSheet.getCellRangeByName(&quot;A2&quot;).CellAddress, _
    346 				cellRangeToCopy)
    348 			&apos;TODO Remove Columns that should be deleted in leaveColumns
    349 			&apos; Better leave it when copying above
    350 			destSheet.getColumns().removeByIndex(0, 1)
    351 			destSheet.getColumns().removeByIndex(4, 1)
    354 			&apos;TODO Maybe use Dispatcher?
    355 			If shouldExportPDF Then
    356 				ExportPDF(destSheet)
    357 			End If
    358 			Continue:
    359 			startRow = (iArea + 1)
    360 			a = d
    361 		End If
    362 	Next iArea
    364 	ErrorHandler:
    365 		MsgBox &quot;Error#: &quot; &amp; Erl &amp; Error
    366 		&apos;MsgBox &quot;arrCount: &quot; &amp; areaNames.Count
    367 		MsgBox &quot;a: &quot; &amp; a &amp; &quot;, d: &quot; &amp; d
    368 	Reset
    369 End Sub
    371 Sub ValidateFileName(fileName as String)
    372     Dim invalidChars as String : invalidChars = &quot;\/:*?&quot;&quot;&lt;&gt;|&quot;
    374     For i = 1 To Len(fileName)	
    375    		c = Mid(fileName, i, 1)
    376     	If InStr(invalidChars, c) &gt; 0 Then
    377     		Print &quot;invalid&quot; &amp; c
    378     	End If
    379     Next
    380 End Sub
    382 Sub ExportPDF(Optional ByVal oSheet as Object)
    383 	&apos;Exit Sub
    384 	Dim cursor as Object
    385 	Dim args(2) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    386 	Dim fd(2) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    388 	Dim fileName as String
    389 	Dim fileUrl As String
    391 	cursor = UsedRangeCursor(oSheet)
    393 	&apos;ThisComponent.CurrentController.select(cursor)
    394 	fileName = exportFolder &amp; &quot;\&quot; &amp; oSheet.Name &amp; &quot;.pdf&quot;
    395 	fileUrl = ConvertToUrl(fileName)
    397 	With args(0) : .Name = &quot;FilterName&quot; : .Value = &quot;calc_pdf_Export&quot; : End With
    398 	WIth fd(0) : .Name = &quot;Selection&quot; : .Value = cursor : End With
    400 	&apos; conflicts with the Selection
    401 	With fd(1) : .Name = &quot;SinglePageSheets&quot; : .Value = False : End With
    402 	With fd(2) : .Name = &quot;IsSkipEmptyPages&quot; : .Value = True : End With
    404 	With args(1) : .Name = &quot;FilterData&quot; : .Value = fd : End With
    405 	With args(2) : .Name = &quot;Overwrite&quot; : .Value = True : End With
    407 	ThisComponent.storeToURL(fileUrl,  args)
    408 End Sub
    410 </script:module>