
LibreOffice macros I use often
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HandyTools.xba (16034B)

      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2 <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
      3 <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="HandyTools" script:language="StarBasic" script:moduleType="normal">REM  *****  BASIC  *****
      4 Option Explicit
      6 Function GetFriendlyWords() as Variant
      7 	GetFriendlyWords = Array( _
      8 	    &quot;AreaCodeDesc&quot;, &quot;Area&quot;, _
      9 	     &quot;AreaDescription&quot;,  &quot;Area&quot;, _
     10 	    &quot;ConsumerNumber&quot;, &quot;ID&quot;, _
     11 	    &quot;ConsumerName&quot;, &quot;Name&quot;, _
     12 	    &quot;MobileNumber&quot;, &quot;Mobile&quot;, _
     13 	    &quot;BookDate&quot;, &quot;Book&quot;_
     14 	    )
     15 	    If (UBound(GetFriendlyWords) Mod 2) &lt;&gt; 1 Then
     16 			Print &quot;Mismatch in friendlyWords array&quot;
     17 			Exit Function
     18 		End If
     19 End Function
     21 Sub FormatRangeAsNumber(oSheet, oLocale, ByRef oFormats, oRange, formatStr as String)
     22 	&apos; BASIC equivalent of &apos;Text to Columns&apos;
     23 	Dim formatNum as Long, i as Integer
     24 	Dim oReplace
     25 	oReplace = oRange.createReplaceDescriptor()
     27 	If oRange.getCellByPosition(0,0).getValue() = 0 Then
     28 		formatNum = oFormats.queryKey(formatStr, oLocale, False)
     29 		&apos; add formatStr if it doesn&apos;t exist
     30 		If formatNum = -1 Then
     31 			formatNum = oFormats.addNew(formatStr, oLocale)
     32 			If formatNum = -1 Then
     33 				MsgBox &quot;Cannot add &quot; &amp; formatStr &amp; &quot; as NumberFormat&quot;, 0, &quot;Fatal&quot;
     34 				Exit Sub
     35 			End If
     36 		End If
     38 		With oReplace
     39 			.searchString = &quot;.+&quot;
     40 			.replaceString = &quot;&amp;&quot;
     41 			.SearchRegularExpression = True
     42 		End With
     44 		oRange.NumberFormat = formatNum
     45 		oRange.replaceAll(oReplace)
     46 	End If
     47 End Sub
     49 Function GetColumnRange(oSheet, endColumn as Long, endRow as Long, searchString as String) as Object
     50 	Dim iHeaderPos
     51 	&apos;GetColumn = -1
     52 	iHeaderPos = GetHeaderPosition(oSheet, endColumn, searchString)
     53 	If iHeaderPos = -1 Then
     54 		Exit Function
     55 	End If
     56 	GetColumnRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(iHeaderPos, 1, iHeaderPos, endRow)
     57 End Function
     59 Function RemoveColumns(oSheet, endColumn as Integer, columnNames) as Long
     60 	Dim columnName as String
     61 	Dim iHeader as Integer
     62 	RemoveColumns = endColumn
     63 	For Each columnName in columnNames
     64 		iHeader = GetHeaderPosition(oSheet, endColumn, columnName)
     65 		If iHeader &lt;&gt; -1 Then
     66 			oSheet.getColumns().removeByIndex(iHeader, 1)
     67 			endColumn = endColumn - 1
     68 		End If
     69 	Next
     70 	RemoveColumns = endColumn
     71 End Function
     73 Function RemoveColumnsExcept(oSheet as Object, endColumn as Integer, columnNames as Variant) as Long
     74 	Dim headerStr as String, columnName as String
     75 	Dim i% : i = 0
     76 	Dim rI% : rI = 0
     77 	Dim columnsToRemove(endColumn) as String
     78 	Dim headerRange, headerData
     79 	Dim found as Boolean : found = False
     80 	RemoveColumnsExcept = endColumn
     82 	headerRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, endColumn, 0)
     83 	headerData = headerRange.getFormulaArray()
     85 	&apos; TODO Handle condition when columnNames does not have valid header
     86 	&apos; This causes an extra string element in the array
     87 	For i = 0 To UBound(headerData(0))
     88 		headerStr = headerData(0)(i)
     89 		found = False
     90 		For Each columnName in columnNames
     91 			If headerStr = columnName Then
     92 				found = True
     93 				Exit For
     94 			End If
     95 		Next columnName
     96 		If Not found Then
     97 			columnsToRemove(rI) = headerStr
     98 			rI = rI + 1
     99 		End If
    100 	Next i
    102 	If i = 0 Then
    103 		Exit Function
    104 	End If
    106 	ReDim Preserve columnsToRemove(rI - 1)
    108 	RemoveColumnsExcept = RemoveColumns(oSheet, endColumn, columnsToRemove)
    109 End Function
    111 Sub ApplyTheme(sFileName As String)
    112 	Dim oFamilies
    113 	Dim aOptions(0) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    114 	Dim stylesDir()
    115 	Dim StylePath as String
    116 	GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
    117 	oFamilies = ThisComponent.StyleFamilies
    118 	StylesDir = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;wizard/styles/&quot;)
    119 	StylePath = StylesDir &amp; sFileName
    120 	aOptions(0).Name = &quot;OverwriteStyles&quot;
    121 	aOptions(0).Value = true
    122 	oFamilies.loadStylesFromURL(StylePath, aOptions())
    123 End Sub
    125 Function NaiveLastTable(oSheet) as Long
    126 	&apos; Return the row position last table that is separated by an empty row
    127 	Dim oRows
    128 	Dim iRow as Long
    129 	Dim usedRange
    130 	NaiveLastTable = 0
    132 	oRows = UsedRangeCursor(oSheet).Rows
    134 	For iRow = 0 To oRows.getCount() - 1
    135 		&apos;Print rows(i).dbg_methods()
    136 		If oRows.getByIndex(iRow).computeFunction(com.sun.star.sheet.GeneralFunction.COUNT) = 0 Then
    137 			NaiveLastTable = iRow
    138 		End If
    139 	Next
    140 End Function
    142 Function IsValidFileName(fileName as String) as Boolean
    143     Dim invalidChars as String : invalidChars = &quot;\/:*?&quot;&quot;&lt;&gt;|&quot;
    144     Dim c as String
    145     Dim i as Integer
    146     IsValidFileName = False
    147     For i = 1 To Len(fileName)	
    148    		c = Mid(fileName, i, 1)
    149     	If InStr(invalidChars, c) &gt; 0 Then
    150     		Print &quot;Invalid character &apos;&quot; &amp; c &amp; &quot;&apos; found in &apos;&quot; &amp; fileName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;
    151     		Exit Function
    152     	End If
    153     Next
    154     IsValidFileName = True
    155 End Function
    157 Sub ExportPDF(oSheet, exportFolder as String)
    158 	Dim cursor as Object
    159 	Dim args(2) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    160 	Dim fd(2) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    161 	Dim fileName as String
    163 	If Not IsValidFileName(oSheet.Name) Then
    164 		Exit Sub
    165 	End If
    167 	fileName = exportFolder &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; oSheet.Name &amp; &quot;.pdf&quot;
    169 	WIth fd(0) : .Name = &quot;Selection&quot; : .Value = UsedRangeCursor(oSheet) : End With
    170 	&apos; Disabled, because it conflicts with selection
    171 	With fd(1) : .Name = &quot;SinglePageSheets&quot; : .Value = False : End With
    172 	With fd(2) : .Name = &quot;IsSkipEmptyPages&quot; : .Value = True : End With
    174 	With args(0) : .Name = &quot;FilterName&quot; : .Value = &quot;calc_pdf_Export&quot; : End With
    175 	With args(1) : .Name = &quot;FilterData&quot; : .Value = fd : End With
    176 	With args(2) : .Name = &quot;Overwrite&quot; : .Value = True : End With
    178 	ThisComponent.storeToURL(ConvertToUrl(fileName),  args)
    179 End Sub
    182 Sub ListOfActiveCustomers()
    183 	Dim oSheet, destSheet, cursor, oRange
    184 	Dim startRow as Long
    185 	Dim endRow as Long
    186 	Dim startColumn as Long
    187 	Dim endColumn as Long
    188 	Dim requiredFields()
    189 	Dim requiredFieldIndices() as Integer
    190 	Dim iColumn as Integer, iRequiredField as Integer
    191 	Dim headerCellStr as String
    193 	oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets(0)
    194 	cursor = UsedRangeCursor(oSheet)
    196 	&apos; Skip Header
    197 	startRow =  NaiveLastTable(ThisComponent, cursor)
    198 	endRow = cursor.RangeAddress.EndRow
    199 	endColumn = cursor.RangeAddress.EndColumn
    200 	&apos; TODO Use data from PhoneNumber if some MobileNumber is missing
    201 	requiredFields = Array(&quot;ConsumerNumber&quot;, &quot;ConsumerName&quot;, &quot;MobileNumber&quot;, &quot;AreaCodeDesc&quot;, &quot;LastDelivDate&quot;)
    202 	&apos;oSheet.Rows.removeByIndex(0, 3)
    204 	For iColumn = startColumn To endColumn
    205 		headerCellStr = oSheet.getCellByPosition(iColumn, startRow, iColumn, startRow).getString()
    206 		For iRequiredField = 0 To UBound(requiredFields)
    207 			If headerCellStr = requiredFields(iRequiredField) Then
    208 				&apos; TODO Allocate memory before hand and use a tracker index?
    209 				ReDim Preserve requiredFieldIndices(UBound(requiredFieldIndices) + 1)
    210 				requiredFieldIndices(UBound(requiredFieldIndices)) = iColumn
    211 			End If
    212 		Next iRequiredField
    213 	Next iColumn
    214 	destSheet = NewSheet(&quot;SBC Connection&quot;)
    216 	Print Join(requiredFieldIndices)
    218 	&apos; TODO Ignore the Header Table if it exists
    219 	&apos; i.e. If two tables exists, assume the first one to be header table
    220 	&apos; and ignore it while copying to new sheet
    222 	&apos; Copy the cells in &apos;requiredFieldIndices&apos; to &apos;destSheet&apos;
    223 End Sub
    226 Function UsedRangeCursor(Optional ByRef oSheet as Object) as Object
    227 	Dim cursor as Object
    228 	if IsNull(oSheet) Or IsMissing(oSheet) Then
    229 			oSheet = ThisComponent.getCurrentController().getActiveSheet()
    230 	End If
    231 	cursor = oSheet.createCursor()
    232 	cursor.gotoStartOfUsedArea(False)
    233 	cursor.gotoEndOfUsedArea(True)
    234 	UsedRangeCursor = cursor
    235 End Function
    237 Function UserFriendlyName(str as String) as String
    238 	&apos; Checks headerName and headerNameMatches for the string &apos;str&apos;,
    239 	&apos; If it&apos;s not available there, a naïve implementation adds spacing to &apos;str&apos;
    240 	Dim l as Long
    241 	Dim c as String
    242 	Dim i as Long
    243 	Dim prevChar as String
    244 	Dim friendlyWords : friendlyWords = GetFriendlyWords()
    245 	str = Trim(str)
    246 	&apos; Check if Len(str) is really called multiple times
    247 	l = Len(str)
    248 	&apos; Check with header &quot;database&quot;
    250 	For i = 0 To UBound(friendlyWords) Step 2
    251 		If friendlyWords(i) = str Then
    252 			UserFriendlyName = friendlyWords(i + 1)
    253 			Exit Function
    254 		End If
    255 	Next i
    257 	For i = 0 To l
    258 		c = Mid(str, i + 1, 1)
    259 		If i &gt; 1 And (c &gt; &quot;A&quot; And c &lt; &quot;Z&quot;) Then
    260 				&apos; Only prepend space if &apos;c&apos; is not the first character...
    261 				&apos; or previous char doesn&apos;t have space
    262 				UserFriendlyName = UserFriendlyName &amp;  IIf(prevChar = &quot; &quot;, &quot;&quot;, &quot; &quot;)  &amp; c
    263 		Else
    264 			UserFriendlyName = UserFriendlyName &amp; c
    265 		End If
    266 		prevChar = c
    267 	Next
    268 End Function
    270 Sub SortColumn(oSheet As Variant, endColumn as Integer, endRow as Integer, columnName as String)
    271 	Dim oRange as Object
    272 	Dim iHeaderPos as Integer
    273 	Dim oSortFields(1) as new com.sun.star.util.SortField
    274 	Dim oSortDesc(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    276 	oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 1, endColumn, endRow)
    277 	ThisComponent.getCurrentController.select(oRange)
    279 	iHeaderPos = GetHeaderPosition(oSheet, endColumn, columnName)
    280 	If iHeaderPos = -1 Then
    281 		Exit Sub
    282 	End If
    283 	&apos; Area
    284 	oSortFields(0).Field = iHeaderPos
    285 	oSortFields(0).SortAscending = True
    287 	&apos; TODO Enable this later
    288 	&apos; Date
    289 	&apos;oSortFields(1).Field = 4
    290 	&apos;oSortFields(1).SortAscending = True
    292 	oSortDesc(0).Name = &quot;SortFields&quot;
    293     oSortDesc(0).Value = oSortFields
    295 	oRange.Sort(oSortDesc)
    296 End Sub
    298 Function NewSheet(sheetName as String) as Object
    299 			Dim sheets as Object
    300 			sheets = ThisComponent.Sheets()
    301 			If Not sheets.hasByName(sheetName) Then
    302 				sheets.insertNewByName(sheetName, sheets.getCount())
    303 			End If
    304 			NewSheet = sheets.getByName(sheetName)
    305 End Function
    307 Sub CleanColumnHeaders(oSheet as Object, endColumn as Integer)
    308 	Dim cell as Object
    309 	Dim neatName as String
    310 	Dim i as Integer
    311 	For i = 0 To endColumn
    312 		cell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(i, 0)
    313 		neatName = cell.getString()
    314 		neatName = UserFriendlyName(neatName)
    315 		cell.setString(neatName)
    316 	Next
    317 End Sub
    319 Sub RemoveExtraMergeCells(oSheet as Object, oRangeAddress as Variant)
    320 	Dim oRange as Object
    321 	Dim oSortFields(0) as new com.sun.star.util.SortField
    322 	Dim oSortDesc(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    323 	Dim endRow as Integer
    325 	endRow = oRangeAddress.EndRow
    326 	lastColumn = oRangeAddress.EndColumn
    328 	rem set the range on which to sort&apos;
    330 	&apos;oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(&quot;A2:F20&quot;)
    331 	oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, lastColumn, 0)
    332 	ThisComponent.getCurrentController.select(oRange)
    333 	initialColumnCount = oRange.Columns.getCount() - 1
    334 	deletedColumns = 0
    335 	For j = 0 To (initialColumnCount - deletedColumns)
    336 		oCell = oRange.getCellByPosition(j, 0)
    337 		con = oCell.String
    338 		If con = &quot;&quot; Then
    339 			oRange.Columns.removeByIndex(j, 1)
    340 			deletedColumns = deletedColumns - 1
    341 		Else
    342 			Print con
    343 		End If
    344 	Next
    345 End Sub
    348 Sub UnFreezeSelection
    349 	Dim document   as Object
    350 	Dim dispatcher as Object
    351 	document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
    352 	dispatcher = createUnoService(&quot;com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper&quot;)
    353 	dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, &quot;.uno:FreezePanes&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 0, Array())
    354 End Sub
    356 Function GetHeaderPosition(ByRef oSheet as Object, endColumn as Integer, searchString as String) as Integer
    357 	Dim iColumn as Integer
    358 	Dim oCell as Object
    359 	Dim cellString as String
    360 	GetHeaderPosition = -1
    361 	If searchString = &quot;&quot; Then
    362 		Exit Function
    363 	End If
    364 	If roughHeaderMatch Then
    365 		searchString = UserFriendlyName(searchString)
    366 	End If
    367 	For iColumn = 0 To endColumn
    368         oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(iColumn, 0)
    369         cellString = oCell.String
    370         If cellString = &quot;&quot; Then
    371         	&apos;MsgBox &quot;Cannot have empty column, endColumn is &quot; &amp; CStr(endColumn), 16, &quot;Bad argument&quot;
    372         	Exit Function
    373         End If
    374         If roughHeaderMatch Then
    375 			cellString = UserFriendlyName(cellString)
    376 		End If
    377         If  cellString = searchString OR Instr(cellString, searchString) = 1 Then
    378             GetHeaderPosition = iColumn
    379             Exit For
    380         End If
    381     Next iColumn
    382 End Function
    384 Function HighlightRowWithColumn(ByRef oSheet as Object, endColumn as Long, endRow as Long, highlightColumnName, highlightValue, removeColumn as Boolean, Optional highlightColor as Long) as Long
    385 	Dim currentStr as String
    386 	Dim oCell as Object
    387 	Dim oCellRange as Object
    388 	Dim str as String
    389 	Dim iSearchColumn as Long
    390 	Dim i as Integer
    391 	HighlightRowWithColumn = endColumn
    394 	&apos; Search for column position that has highlightBasedOn
    395 	iSearchColumn = GetHeaderPosition(oSheet, endColumn, highlightColumnName)
    396 	If iSearchColumn = -1 Then Exit Function
    397 	For i = 0 To  endRow - 1
    398 		oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(iSearchColumn, i)
    399 		If InStr(oCell.getString(), highlightValue) &gt; 0 Then
    400 			oCellRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, i, endColumn, i)
    401 			oCellRange.CellBackColor = highlightColor
    402 		End If
    403 	Next i
    405 	If removeColumn Then
    406 		oSheet.Columns.removeByIndex(iSearchColumn, 1)
    407 		endColumn = endColumn - 1
    408 	End If
    409 End Function
    411 Function FindHighestDateAsString(oSheet as Object, columnName as String, endColumn as Integer, endRow as Integer) as Date
    412 	Dim dateHeaderPos
    413 	Dim dateColumn
    414 	Dim dateVal
    415 	dateHeaderPos = GetHeaderPosition(oSheet, endColumn, columnName)
    416 	If dateHeaderPos = -1 Then
    417 		MsgBox &quot;Cannot find a column header that starts with &apos;&quot; &amp; columnName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;, 0, &quot;Bad column name&quot;
    418 		Exit Function
    419 	End If
    420 	&apos; TODO Check if the column we are searching, actually has date values.
    421 	dateColumn = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(dateHeaderPos, 1, dateHeaderPos, endRow)
    422 	dateVal =  dateColumn.computeFunction(com.sun.star.sheet.GeneralFunction.MAX)
    423 	If dateVal = 0 Then MsgBox &quot;Invalid date found in column &apos;&quot; &amp; columnName &amp; &quot;&apos; - &quot; &amp; dateHeaderPos &amp; &quot;&quot;, 16, &quot;Bad date found&quot;
    424 	FindHighestDateAsString = dateVal
    425 End Function
    427 &apos; TODO Use a general function that takes arrays
    428 &apos; and instead of the function ShortenDirections, use
    429 &apos; ReplaceArrays to make it more usable across other projects.
    430 Sub ShortenDirections(oSheet as Object, columnIdx as Integer)
    431 	&apos;Shorten East as E. etc
    432 	Dim toReplace() as String
    433 	Dim toReplaceWith() as String
    434 	Dim i as Long
    435 	Dim oDescriptor
    436 	Dim oColumn
    437 	Dim columnToReplace
    438 	oColumn = oSheet.getColumns().getByIndex(columnIdx)
    439 	&apos; TODO arrange it with convention
    440 	toReplace() = Array(&quot;East&quot;, &quot;West&quot;, &quot;South&quot;, &quot;North&quot;)
    441 	toReplaceWith() = Array(&quot;E.&quot;, &quot;W.&quot;, &quot;S.&quot;, &quot;N.&quot;)
    442 	oDescriptor = oColumn.createReplaceDescriptor()
    443 	For i = LBound(toReplace) To UBound(toReplace)
    444 		With oDescriptor
    445 			.SearchString = toReplace(i)
    446 			.ReplaceString = toReplaceWIth(i)
    447 		End With
    448 		oColumn.replaceAll(oDescriptor)
    449 	Next i
    450 End Sub
    452 Sub SetWidths(oSheet, endColumn as Integer, columnWidthArray() as Variant)
    453 	&apos; columnWidthArray has values like Array(Array(&quot;Area&quot;, 0), Array(&quot;ID&quot;, 2000))
    454 	&apos; 0 means autofill
    455 	Dim i as Integer
    456 	Dim columnWidth
    457 	Dim iHeaderColumn
    458 	For Each columnWidth in columnWidthArray
    459 		iHeaderColumn = GetHeaderPosition(oSheet, endColumn, columnWidth(0))
    460 		If iHeaderColumn = -1 Then
    461 			Print &quot;Cannot find: &quot; &amp; columnWidth(0) &amp; &quot; in headers&quot;
    462 			Exit Sub
    463 		End If
    464 		if columnWidth(1) = 0 Then
    465 			oSheet.getColumns().getByIndex(iHeaderColumn).OptimalWidth = True
    466 		Else
    467 			oSheet.getColumns().getByIndex(iHeaderColumn).Width = columnWidth(1)
    468 		End If
    469 	Next
    470 End Sub
    472 </script:module>