
LibreOffice macros I use often
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CylinderAutomation.xba (9603B)

      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2 <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
      3 <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="CylinderAutomation" script:language="StarBasic">REM  *****  BASIC  *****
      4 &apos;Option VBASupport 1
      5 Option Explicit
      7 Global Const rowsToSkip = 1
      8 Global Const roughHeaderMatch = True
      9 Global Const highlightBasedOn = &quot;Payment Option&quot; &apos; A yellow background is drawn that matches this column and &apos;highlightSearchString&apos;
     10 Global Const highlightSearchString = &quot;Online&quot; &apos; Does partial match
     11 Global Const highlightRemoveColumn = True &apos; True if you want remove the column once the highlight is done
     12 Global Const reportType = &quot;PENDING&quot; &apos; Allowed values are &quot;PENDING&quot;, &quot;SAFETY&quot; and &quot;SBC&quot;. The number of columns that are copied and the column size will be affected
     13 Global Const shouldExportPDF = True &apos; If True this will export all the created sheets with Area specific data individually TODO change name to easily understand
     14 Global Const badDayThreshold = 4 &apos; The days below &apos;the maximum date in report&apos; to show as bad
     15 Global Const shouldSegregateAreaWise = True&apos; True if you want to create sheets with Area specific data
     16 Global Const exportFolderPrefix = &quot;C:\Users\bhara\Sync\&quot;
     18 &apos; Values are loaded from the document
     19 Private tillDate as Date
     20 Private tillDateStr as String
     21 Private sheetNameSuffix as String
     22 Private exportFolder as String
     24 &apos;Private shouldExportSummaryPDF as Boolean&apos; If True the first page will be exported as PDF
     26 Sub Main
     27 	Dim oDoc : oDoc = ThisComponent
     28 	Dim s as Object
     29 	Dim cursor as Object
     30 	Dim c as Integer
     31 	Dim destSheet as Variant
     32 	Dim sheetName$, d$, a$
     33 	Dim areaColumn%, areaNames as New Collection
     34 	Dim startColumn%, startRow%, endColumn%, endRow%
     35 	Dim rowsToRemove%, iArea%
     36 	Dim areaRange, idRange, bookRange
     37 	Dim dColumns as Object
     38 	Dim headerRange as Object
     39 	Dim cellRangeToCopy as Object
     40 	Dim pageStyle as Object
     41 	Dim oCellStyles
     42 	Dim oConFormat
     43 	Dim oCondition(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
     44 	Dim T4Style
     46 	&apos; Initialize Globals
     47 	&apos; Casting to Long removes the time component
     48 	tillDate = CLng(Now())
     50 	s = oDoc.Sheets(0)
     51 	cursor = UsedRangeCursor(s)
     53 	&apos; NaiveLastTable gives us the last non-blank table&apos;s
     54 	rowsToRemove = NaiveLastTable(s)
     55 	If rowsToRemove &lt;&gt; 0 Then
     56 		s.getRows().removeByIndex(0, rowsToRemove + 1)
     57 	End If
     59 	startRow = 1
     60 	startColumn = 0
     61 	endRow = cursor.RangeAddress.EndRow
     62 	endColumn = cursor.RangeAddress.EndColumn
     64 	&apos; TODO move this to knowledge base
     65 	oCellStyles = ThisComponent.StyleFamilies(&quot;CellStyles&quot;)
     66 	If Not oCellStyles.hasByName(&quot;T4&quot;) Then
     67 		T4Style = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;com.sun.star.style.CellStyle&quot;)
     68 		oCellStyles.insertByName(&quot;T4&quot;, T4Style)
     69 		oCellStyles.getByName(&quot;T4&quot;).CellBackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
     70 	End If
     72 	If ThisComponent.CurrentController.hasFrozenPanes() Then
     73 		Call UnFreezeSelection
     74 	End If
     76 	&apos; TODO pass the column name/index as an argument
     77 	&apos; Transformations to be applied to the Main sheet before splitting the sheet by Area Name
     78 	cursor = UsedRangeCursor(s)
     80 	Call CleanColumnHeaders(s, endColumn)
     82 	areaColumn = GetHeaderPosition(s, endColumn, &quot;Area&quot;)
     83 	Call ShortenDirections(s, areaColumn)
     85 	If Left(reportType, 1) = &quot;P&quot; Then
     86 		Call ApplyTheme &quot;millennium.ots&quot;
     87 		endColumn = RemoveColumnsExcept(s, endColumn, Array( _
     88 			&quot;Area&quot;, _
     89 			&quot;ID&quot;, _
     90 			&quot;Name&quot;, _
     91 			&quot;Mobile&quot;, _
     92 			&quot;Book&quot;, _
     93 			&quot;Payment Option&quot; _
     94 		))
     96 		endColumn = HighlightRowWithColumn(s, endColumn, endRow, _
     97 			&quot;Payment Option&quot;, &quot;Online Payment&quot;, True, _
     98 			RGB(255, 255, 0))
    100 		&apos; Justify Leftmost cells to left and Rightmost cells to right
    102 		bookRange = GetColumnRange(s, endColumn, endRow, &quot;Book&quot;)
    103 		bookRange.setPropertyValue(&quot;HoriJustify&quot;, com.sun.star.table.CellHoriJustify.RIGHT)
    105 		FormatRangeAsNumber(s, new com.sun.star.lang.Locale, oDoc.getNumberFormats(), bookRange, &quot;DD/MM&quot;)
    107 		tillDate = FindHighestDateAsString(s, &quot;Book&quot;, endColumn, endRow)
    109 		With oCondition(0) : .Name = &quot;Operator&quot; : .Value = com.sun.star.sheet.ConditionOperator.LESS_EQUAL : End With
    110 		oCondition(1).Name = &quot;Formula1&quot; : oCondition(1).Value = CLng(tillDate - badDayThreshold)
    111 	    With oCondition(2) : .Name = &quot;StyleName&quot; : .Value = &quot;T4&quot; : End With
    112 		oConFormat = bookRange.ConditionalFormat
    113 		oConFormat.clear() : oConFormat.addNew(oCondition)
    115 		SetWidths(s, endColumn, Array( _
    116 				Array(&quot;Area&quot;, 0), _
    117 				Array(&quot;ID&quot;, 0), _
    118 				Array(&quot;Name&quot;, 7000), _
    119 				Array(&quot;Mobile&quot;, 0), _
    120 				Array(&quot;Book&quot;, 0) _
    121 		))
    122 	ElseIf reportType = &quot;SBC&quot; Then
    123 		Call ApplyTheme &quot;pumpkin.ots&quot;
    124 		endColumn = RemoveColumnsExcept(s, endColumn, Array( _
    125 			&quot;ID&quot;, _
    126 			&quot;Name&quot;, _
    127 			&quot;Address&quot;, _
    128 			&quot;Mobile&quot;, _
    129 			&quot;Area&quot;, _
    130 			&quot;No Of Cylinder&quot; _
    131 			))
    132 			SetWidths(s, endColumn, Array( _
    133 				Array(&quot;ID&quot;, 0), _
    134 				Array(&quot;Name&quot;, 3000), _
    135 				Array(&quot;Address&quot;, 8000), _
    136 				Array(&quot;Mobile&quot;, 0), _
    137 				Array(&quot;Area&quot;, 0) _
    138 			))
    139 	End If
    141 	idRange = GetColumnRange(s	, endColumn, endRow, &quot;ID&quot;) _
    142 		.setPropertyValue(&quot;HoriJustify&quot;, com.sun.star.table.CellHoriJustify.LEFT)
    144 	Call SortColumn(s, endColumn, endRow, &quot;Area&quot;)
    146 	&apos; Setup exportFolder and sheetName
    147 	tillDateStr = Replace(CDate(tillDate), &quot;/&quot;, &quot;-&quot;)
    148 	tillDateStr = Trim(tillDateStr)
    149 	sheetNameSuffix = &quot; - &quot; &amp; reportType &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; tillDateStr
    150 	exportFolder = exportFolderPrefix &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; reportType &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; tillDateStr
    152 	headerRange = s.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, endColumn, 0)
    153 	headerRange.CellStyle = &quot;Heading 1&quot;
    155 	pageStyle = ThisComponent.StyleFamilies.getByName(&quot;PageStyles&quot;).getByName(&quot;Default&quot;)
    156 	pageStyle.setPropertyValue(&quot;PrintGrid&quot;, True)
    157 	pageStyle.setPropertyValue(&quot;CenterHorizontally&quot;, True)
    158 	&apos; Make the margins 0.2&quot; thick	
    160 	pageStyle.setPropertyValue(&quot;LeftMargin&quot;, 0.2 * 2540)
    161 	pageStyle.setPropertyValue(&quot;RightMargin&quot;, 0.2 * 2540)
    163 	&apos; Change original sheet name
    164 	s.Name = &quot;SUMMARY&quot; &amp; sheetNameSuffix
    166 	&apos; Export summary
    167 	If shouldExportPDF Then
    168 		ExportPDF(s, exportFolder)
    169 	End If
    171 	If NOT shouldSegregateAreaWise Then Exit Sub
    173 	Dim statusBar
    174 	statusBar = oDoc.CurrentController.StatusIndicator
    175 	statusBar.start(&quot;Creating Area Wise&quot;, 10)
    177 	areaRange = s.getCellRangeByPosition(areaColumn, startRow, areaColumn, endRow)
    178 	a = areaRange.getCellByPosition(0, startRow).getString()
    179 	&apos;On Error Goto ErrorHandler
    180 	For iArea = startRow To endRow - 1
    181 		d = areaRange.getCellByPosition(0, iArea).getString()
    182 		If  d = &quot;&quot; Then
    183 			Exit For
    184 		End If
    186 		If a &lt;&gt; d Or  iArea = (endRow - 1) Then
    187 			 statusBar.setValue((iArea / endRow) * 100)
    188 			&apos; FIXME Get the columns automatically from the sheet
    189 			&apos; FIXME Covert the end column from endColumn above
    191 			Goto Con:
    192 			Dim cName
    193 			s.Rows.insertByIndex(startRow, 1)
    194 			cName = s.getCellByPosition(startColumn, startRow)
    195 			cName.setString(d)
    196 			startRow = startRow + 1
    197 			endRow = endRow + 1
    199 			Con:
    200 			&apos; TODO maybe there is an elegant way than
    201 			&apos; writing this two times
    202 			sheetName = a &amp; sheetNameSuffix
    204 			&apos; TODO subtotals might solve this
    205 			&apos;s.group(areaRange.RangeAddress, 1)
    207 			&apos; Prepare Destination sheet
    208 			destSheet = NewSheet(sheetName)
    211 			&apos; Copy the Headers from the Main Document
    212 			If areaColumn &gt; 0 And areaColumn &lt; endColumn Then
    213 				MsgBox &quot;Can&apos;t have Area column in the middle&quot;, 16
    214 				Exit Sub
    215 			End If
    217 			&apos; start                     end
    218 			&apos;1 :                           endColumn          0 4
    219 			&apos;areaColumn + 1 : endColumn           2  4
    220 			&apos;0 :                           endColumn - 1     4  4
    222 			&apos; Copy Header
    223 			s.copyRange(destSheet.getCellRangeByName(&quot;A1&quot;).CellAddress, _
    224 				s.getCellRangeByPosition( _
    225 				(endColumn - areaColumn)/ endColumn, _
    226 				0, endcolumn - CInt(areaColumn/endColumn), 0).RangeAddress)
    228 			&apos; Copy Contents
    229 			s.copyRange(destSheet.getCellRangeByName(&quot;A2&quot;).CellAddress, _
    230 				s.getCellRangeByPosition(_
    231 				(endColumn - areaColumn)/ endColumn, _
    232 				startRow, _
    233 				endcolumn - CInt(areaColumn/endColumn), _
    234 				iArea).RangeAddress)
    236 		    &apos; Customize the Destination Sheet&apos;s Columns
    237 			If  Left(reportType, 1) = &quot;P&quot; Then
    238 					SetWidths(destSheet, endColumn, Array( _
    239 						Array(&quot;ID&quot;, 0), _
    240 						Array(&quot;Name&quot;, 7000), _
    241 						Array(&quot;Mobile&quot;, 0), _
    242 						Array(&quot;Book&quot;, 0) _
    243 					))
    244 			ElseIf reportType = &quot;SBC&quot; Then
    245 						SetWidths(destSheet, endColumn, Array( _
    246 							Array(&quot;ID&quot;, 0), _
    247 							Array(&quot;Name&quot;, 4000), _
    248 							Array(&quot;Address&quot;, 11000), _
    249 							Array(&quot;Mobile&quot;, 0) _
    250 						))
    251 			End If
    253 			If shouldExportPDF Then
    254 				ExportPDF(destSheet, exportFolder)
    255 			End If
    256 			Continue:
    257 			startRow = (iArea + 1)
    258 			a = d
    259 		End If
    260 	Next iArea
    262 	ErrorHandler:
    263 		statusBar.end()
    264 	Reset
    265 End Sub
    266 </script:module>