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Titles I read in the past,

Programming in C Anita Goel
Beej's Guide to Network Programming Beej Jorgensen
Java Design Patterns James W. Cooper
UNIX Concepts & Apps. Sumitabha Das
Zero to One Peter Thiel
Think and Grow Rich Napolean Hill
The Big Short Michael Lewis
Your 27 hour day R Poornalingam
Prelude to Foundation Isaac Asimov
Kohinoor Diamond Iradj Amini
Dune Frank Herbert
Thinking Fast and Slow Daniel Kahnemman
Creative Selection Ken Kocienda
The Psychology of Money Morgan Housel
Dune: Messiah Frank Herbert
Range David Epstein
Brave New World Aldous Huxley
A.B.C Murders Agatha Christie
The Idiot Fyodor Dostoevsky
Da Vinci Code Dan Brown
The Design of Everyday things Don Norman
The Psycopath Test Jon Ronson
A Short History of Nearly Everything Bill Bryson

Currently Reading,

The Seventh Scroll Wilbur Smith
History of Modern India Bipan Chandra
The Black Swan Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Reading wishlist,

Children of Dune Frank Herbert
How the mind works Steven Pinker
Nudge Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein