Is it worth to learn Python?

Bharatvaj Hemanth

January 07, 2017

This might be seriously late post because of the popularity gained by python some few years ago. Anyhow here's my take on it.

You may heard of python being called as interpretted programming language. What does that really mean?

Developing a program has the following process(perspective of a programmer)


Code  --> Compile --> Machine Code(Program)

With Python

Code (Program)

This was the best example that I was able to pull out from my mind, for pointing out where python is superior to other languages.

That being said, C/C++ and Assembly have their advantages. Those hours of code compilations and linking does not go in vain.

In fact, the interpreter of python is created using C. It depends on the implementation of the interpreter which is based on the platform. But mostly it's C.

For whom python is good for

For whom python is unsuited

Anyway, whether you're new to programming or an experienced developer, it's easy to learn and use Python.  It might come handy...