
Cross platform dotfiles for linux, mac and windows
git clone
Log | Files | Refs

commit 90097af6ac25b3ab43aa748ab939b8b56471845c
parent 4e5133dd90e710d795bf1c40a38cfb4250c343ed
Author: Bharatvaj <>
Date:   Mon, 15 Nov 2021 19:54:36 +0530

Merge pull request #18 from bharatvaj/macos

Unlock advanced workflow with tmux
M.config/.gitignore | 2++
A.config/tmux/tmux.conf | 42++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.config/.gitignore b/.config/.gitignore @@ -17,4 +17,6 @@ !lynx/ !lynx/lynx.cfg !lynx/lynx.lss +!tmux/ +!tmux/* !user-dirs.dirs diff --git a/.config/tmux/tmux.conf b/.config/tmux/tmux.conf @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# Miscellaneous +set -g base-index 1 +set escape-time 0 +set -g set-titles on + +# Status bar +set -g status-position top +set -g status-right "" + +bind v split-window -h +bind s split-window -v + +# Navigation +set-window-option -g mode-keys vi + +bind -n C-h select-pane -L +bind -n C-j select-pane -D +bind -n C-k select-pane -U +bind -n C-l select-pane -R + +bind J resize-pane -D 5 +bind K resize-pane -U 5 +bind H resize-pane -L 5 +bind L resize-pane -R 5 + +# Clipboard +unbind -T copy-mode-vi Space +unbind -T copy-mode-vi Enter + +bind -T copy-mode-vi v send-keys -X begin-selection +bind -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X end-selection + +set-option -g mouse on +setw -g mode-keys vi +set-option -s set-clipboard off +bind P paste-buffer + +# Themes +set -g status-bg black +set -g status-fg white +set -g window-status-current-style "bg=white,fg=black" +